in Crypto News, CryptoCurrency, News, regulation Brazilian Authorities Seize $33 Million in Money Laundering Investigation Linked to Cryptocurrency Exchanges
in Crypto News FTX Slashes Leverage Limit from 100x to 20x — Community Suspects Competitors Will Follow Example
in Crypto News, Defi Users Criticize Uniswap’s Decision to Remove Over 100 Tokens From Main Interface
in Crypto News Binance Is Hunting for a New CEO — Exchange’s US Venture ‘Looks at Potential IPO Route’
in Crypto News, regulation, Trading Bank of Russia Advises Stock Exchanges to Avoid Trading Crypto Instruments
in Crypto News, regulation South Korean Regulators Warn Dozens of Foreign Exchanges to Comply With New Rules
in Crypto News, CryptoCurrency, Government, regulation Turkish Draft Law Regulating Cryptocurrencies Enters Parliament in October
in Bitcoin, Crypto News, Ethereum, regulation, Trading Despite Negative Press, Binance Is Still the World’s Largest Crypto Spot and Derivatives Exchange
in Crypto News, CryptoCurrency Bithumb Terminates Trademark Agreements With 2 Foreign-Based Exchanges
in Crypto News, CryptoCurrency, Trading Binance Quits Stock Token Trading as Hong Kong Adds to Mounting Regulatory Pressure