


Thank you for offering your knowledge and experience to improve the quality of the information on this website. On this page you will see how you can get involved and contribute.

Until the development of the infrastructure and governance of this platform is finalized, please be patient with some of the processes. We are trying to make this as smooth for you and us as possible and maximise the collective sharing and learning, but there may still be some bugs and barriers along the way.

What to contribute

Your support will help us make a better knowledge gateway. Specifically, the tasks open to contributors are:
Edit existing articles
Translate existing articles into French, German, Dutch or Spanish
Create new articles about currencies or for the Glossary
Submit relevant research, videos, documents and pictures
Get involved as an editor, as a curator (only institutions) or as a programmer for future development

How to get involved

Anybody can submit new documents, pictures, links to videos or event notifications right away through the contact form. You will have to confirm that you have the right to share the material or that it is available under a copyleft, and that it is fine to have it published under our Creative Commons licence.

To help with improving, editing or translating existing articles, or submitting new ones, please familiarise yourself with our content and writing guidance and then register as a contributor through the form below.

For these editorial contributions we have four different user roles:

1. Contributors

Contributors can edit, translate and submit articles requiring an editor to review updates prior to publication. To get started as a contributor, fill in the form at the bottom of this page.

2. Authors

Eventually, accredited contributors will become authors, which means their submissions get published without requiring editorial approval.

3. Editors

Editors are appointed by the language specific Curators and ensure the quality of the information found on For this they check and approve the submissions by Contributors before publication. Contact the language Curator to offer your involvement at this level, which requires substantial knowledge and regular involvement.

4. Curators

Curators are institutions that hold overall responsibility for the content in a particular language. Contact NEF, the English Curator if your institution wants to join.

The post Contribute appeared first on Community Currency Entry Page.

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