
Bitso Exchange Raises Cryptocurrencies for Mexican Earthquake Victims

Bitso Exchange Raises Cryptocurrencies for Mexican Earthquake Victims

The Mexican bitcoin exchange Bitso has announced they are soliciting donations for victims of the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that took place on September 19. The trading platform was previously raising funds for the devastating quake that took place on September 7.

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The Mexican Bitcoin Exchange Bitso is Raising Cryptocurrencies for Earthquake Charities in Mexico

Mexico is having an unfortunate time with catastrophic earthquakes that took place over the past two weeks killing hundreds of people. According to the trading platform Bitso’s recent blog post, the startup is asking for donations in BTC, XRP, and ETH in it’s “Bitcoin Aids Mexico” fundraiser. Bitso says the donations will be sent to the Mexico-based Red Cross center and the local earthquake rescue crew Brigada de Rescate Topos Tlaltelolco A.C.   

“Unfortunately Mexico has been hit with another devastating earthquake. Please support Mexico by making donations via BTC, ETH, or XRP,” explains the Bitso exchange.

Bitso will provide verifiable receipts signed by Mexico’s Central Bank that donations were made. Please help raise awareness by using the hashtag #BitcoinAidMexico.

Mexico has suffered from two devastating earthquakes in the past two weeks.

Bitso’s Jose Rodriguez Details the Fundraising Will be Completely Transparent

Bitso plans to withdraw the funds once a week over the course of the next month and will confirm the donations went to the right places with official central bank receipts. The announcement follows the company’s ongoing charitable effort to help victims of the September 7th earthquake; which destroyed much of the country’s infrastructure.

The Mexican trading platform says the size of the donation doesn’t matter and the company started the charitable pot by donating MXN $50,000. However, Bitso says the company cannot make user contributions tax deductible. “Mexican Pesos will be transferred on behalf of third parties according to Mexican law LISR artículo 35, and the following TIN XAXX010101000 will be used in order to generate the corresponding payment as ‘General Public Invoice,’” explains Bitso VP, Jose Rodriguez.

Muchas gracias for helping Mexico on behalf of all of us at Bitso!

Many homes and buildings are now rubble and victims are still being found by search teams.

The Third Cryptocurrency Natural Disaster Relief Effort In the Past Month

The latest effort to help Mexico follows a few other charitable fundraising projects using cryptocurrencies to help natural disaster victims in the past thirty days. Just recently the billionaire entrepreneur and Antigua and Barbuda resident, Calvin Ayre, has offered to match BTC and BCH donations to help Barbuda residents who suffered from Hurricane Irma. A week before that storm another effort was set up by the Crypto Show broadcast who raised well over $50K in cryptocurrency funds to help hurricane victims in Texas.

Information on Bitso’s relief effort and donation addresses can be found here.

What do you think about Bitso’s effort to help Mexicans rebuild after the two catastrophic earthquakes? Let us know in the comments below.

Images via Shutterstock, AP Photo/Eduardo Verdugo, The Daily Pakistan, and Pixabay. 

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