Hex (HEX) coin has captured the attention of many crypto investors and traders in the last 24 hours, with its price and trading volume surging upwards.
This article details all of the key information you need to know before you invest in HEX crypto coin. Scroll down to find out what the project is all about, how it works, and whether or not you should buy Hex tokens right now.
For those of you who want to go right ahead and invest in HEX tokens immediately, we can help. Our team of analysts have tested all of the top trading platforms and have settled on their list of the best places to buy, sell and trade HEX coin in the section directly below.
How & where to buy Hex crypto tokens online
If you want to buy HEX coin in the UK or elsewhere, simply click on one of the links below, sign up, deposit funds into your account, then purchase the number of HEX tokens you want to own.
Our analysts have selected these two trading platforms thanks to their low fees, easy-to-use user interfaces and friendly customer support. They are the two best platforms to buy Hex coin right now:
Binance has grown exponentially since it was founded in 2017 and is now one of, if not the biggest cryptocurrency exchanges on the market.
Cex.io offers exchange of fiat currency for Bitcoin Ethereum, Tether, and 23 other cryptocurrencies, as well as Bitcoin/Ethereum trading against the USD.
What is Hex (HEX)?
It is a cryptocurrency project that runs on the Ethereum blockchain, and HEX is the platform’s native token.
Hex describes itself as a ‘Certificate of Deposit’ on the blockchain, and it was launched by Richard Heart of 2nd December 2019.
The HEX token is designed to be a store of value to replace the Certificate of Deposit as the blockchain counterpart of that financial product, which is used in traditional financial markets. HEX is also designed to utilise aspects of the DeFi ecosystem within the wider Ethereum network.
Hex also allows users to stake their coins for a share of new HEX coin issuance or inflation, and it contains some features that incentivise behaviours that encourage price accretion, and disincentivise behaviours that would cause price depression.
For example, the HEX smart contract punishes stakers who end their stake early, whereas it rewards those who stake larger amounts of tokens for longer periods of time.
Should I buy Hex coin today?
If you like the look of the project, carry out extensive due diligence and see if it fulfills your investment criteria. In addition to holding tokens to speculate on price accretion, you can also stake your HEX to generate passive income.
However, this is an early-stage altcoin project; the path to growth will likely be volatile, and there is every chance things could go wrong. Therefore, if you can’t tolerate this level of risk, you may be better off looking for a more stable, predictable asset.
HEX price prediction 2021
Our Hex coin price forecast is as follows: $0.50 by 2026.