
PR: – Alpha Launch on Testnet Before the End of ICO

PR: – Alpha Launch on Testnet Before the End of ICO

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It has already been three weeks since the launch of DIW’s ICO with just one week left to go – just enough time to seize this rare opportunity and join this unprecedented project! The entire team has been on constant alert for months now with quite a few kilos of coffee consumed on many endless meetings and sleepless nights! It has been a unique and amazing experience thus far and everyone is looking forward to the next stage that the project is about to enter.

There is a contrast of emotions though within the team. Excitement regarding its own project, but disappointment regarding many others and the industry in general. Unfortunately, ICO projects have made a bad name for the industry and for blockchain technology in general. Some have labelled cryptocurrencies, and especially ICOs ‘Ponzi schemes’, ‘fraudsters’, ‘mothers of all bubbles’, ‘criminal cyber-terrorism’, ‘greedy scams’ and many more.

The underlying reason is that most of the teams behind ICOs are just after quick money. They have no vision for the future, nor have they made any solid, or well thought out plans on how to proceed and how to implement the latest technology within their proposed product.

Furthermore, the teams who have actually made plans claiming to incorporate ground breaking blockchain technology, actually don’t. Blockchain is only utilised marginally and is not included in the core of their product. Blockchain is used just as an excuse that enables these teams to proceed with an ICO.

Additionally, it has been proven that the teams behind most ICO projects are inadequate for the job, some not even including people remotely associated to blockchain technology.

DIW is different. The team behind DIW always had its sides on developing the project – it was never about the funds. It was all about the project; about breaking new technological ground, being pioneers.

With a highly skilled group of people, the DIW project is bound to succeed. Our coders, cryptographers, solidity developers as well as front end developers, are highly skilled and motivated. With a proven track record, our team was focused on developing the project even before the start of the ICO.

Due to all of this labour, we are now highly excited to announce the release of our Alpha edition on testnet.

Getting to the nitty-gritty details everyone has been waiting for:

Alpha DIW Platform on testnet
By proceeding with uploading its Alpha on a testnet, DIW is providing its early adopting members with the opportunity of joining its team in the development of the project. The testnet allows the creation of a virtual account giving the opportunity for everyone to use the Alpha edition of DIW’s product for free via a demo account and without the need to save actual sensitive information for it to work. The first function of DIW’s vault that is to be released, is that of the password manager. The team will be releasing the Alpha edition of its product utilizing the basic interface design proposed within the DIW whitepaper. Additionally, parts of the code will also be released on GitHub. Please keep in mind that part of the code’s core will be hidden for now due to the very early stage that the project is in right now. Moreover, please note that the Alpha edition, is being developed on basic technology that is currently available to the team. More advanced technology will be incorporated as the project along with technology progresses. Further enhancements will be made via the incorporation of partner technology such as that developed by Ties.DB and the Raiden Network as well as that of future partners.

All of DIW’s community members are welcome to put the alpha edition of the vault through its paces, keeping in mind that it’s a product in development. The team is aware that the alpha will be buggy at first, so your understanding and patience will be highly appreciated. Please do not report back any issues for now. Using the alpha version at first, will enable you to become supporters of the DIW Blockchain revolution!

As the team feels that the project’s supporters should also be included in its development, since they will be making up the bulk of its users, DIW plans to release a ‘Bug Report Program’ that will award all of its contributing participants with DIW Tokens depending on their involvement and level of assistance in the development of the project. Further details will be released regarding this program in due time, including how to gain approval in order to get on-board.

Main points behind the coding of the platform:
– The team has used the most proper and professional coding available today to ensure the best performance, optimization and efficiency, making sure that its product is future proof as well as able to be rapidly developed.
– Trusted technologies have been utilized to create our decentralised securely encrypted storage system, such as the Ethereum platform and operating system as well as the IPFS protocol and network, due to their proven capabilities.
– For secure and efficient encryption of the data, the team opted to incorporate algorithms such as the RSA & AES.
– Furthermore, the team has used a ‘Functional programming’ paradigm in the design process assuring the code’s scalability, upgradability and optimisation.

How the DIW Storage System Works

Account Creation – 1st Step
1. The user will be creating an account on the DIW network
2. The user will then receive their ‘private’ and ‘public’ keys

DIW Data Encryption Method
1. The system creates a random number (‘secret’) in the background.
2. The user’s client software encrypts via RSA algorithm the ‘secret’ utilizing the user’s ‘public key’ (‘secret’ + ‘public key’ = ‘encrypted secret’).
3. The client software then also encrypts the user’s actual data via AES algorithm utilizing the ‘secret’ as the required data encryption / decryption password (‘secret’ acting as password + ‘data’ = ‘encrypted data’).
4. The resulting ‘encrypted data’ (now having been converted to a single file) is then sent to the IPFS network for decentralized storage. In turn, the IPFS network returns an SHA hash file with the location of the file within the decentralised network.
5. The client software then sends the location of the SHA hash file to the DIW Ethereum contract for storage in relation to the specific user.
DIW’s contract, running on Ethereum network, then seals the SHA file’s location. Blockchain technology ensures that the stored SHA hash file is permanent without any modification or tampering possibilities. The SHA hash file acts as proof regarding the authenticity of the original ‘encrypted data’ stored.
6. Lastly, the ‘encrypted secret’ file is sent directly to the DIW Contract so that it may also be sealed by the Ethereum network.

DIW Data Decryption Method
1. The ‘encrypted data’ file is downloaded to the client device from the IPFS network.
2. The ‘encrypted secret’ file is also downloaded as it is necessary for data decryption.
3. The ‘encrypted secret’ is then decrypted back to ‘secret’ via the utilization of the user’s ‘private key’.
4. The ‘encrypted data’ is then decrypted back to our original data by utilizing ‘secret’ acting as the decryption password.

DIW Data Share Method
1. The ‘secret’ file is encrypted utilizing the Second User’s ‘public key’ with the resulting ‘encrypted secret’ file being provided to the Second User.
2. The Second User then receives the location of the ‘encrypted data’ file within the IPFS network.
3. Finally, the Second User goes through the ‘Data Accessing Method’ described above.

That’s all regarding the release of the initial technical details for now. Ongoing support will be provided through DIW’s communication channels and everyone is welcome to proceed with providing the team with their queries and suggestions.

These are exciting times indeed. DIW wishes to thank all of its supporters for joining in and enabling the fruition of its project. Furthermore, DIW invites everyone that hasn’t joined the project yet for any reason to do so now, while the ICO lasts for privileged access to the project.

Contact Email Address
[email protected]
Supporting Link

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The post PR: – Alpha Launch on Testnet Before the End of ICO appeared first on Bitcoin News.

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