EXMR Monero (9th February – 30th April)
Total supply of token: 15 Million EXMR
ICO price of token: 0.10 cents
Smart contract address: 0xc98e0639c6d2ec037 a615341c369666b110e80e5
Disrupting The $1.8 Trillion Global Payment System. EXMR MONERO ℠ is focused on revolutionizing the global payment system and fostering financial inclusion for the millions of people who are excluded from the formal payment system.
How does the project create value to the ecosystem and differs from competing projects: The community for EXMR is engaged and highly enthusiastic. They are willing to go the extra mile to make EXMR a success. There is a loyalty program that consists of over 100 members who go above and beyond to contribute positively to the growth and success of EXMR and members are rewarded for their loyalty to EXMR. Also, we recently added a bonus structure where EXMR holders will be paid a percentage of all fees generated from our Payment Gateway on a consistent basis. This shows EMXR’s appreciation for the support from the community of over 2000 investors who are engaged through Twitter, Facebook, discord, Reddit, and Telegram. And we are adding more members daily.
Technical Info: Ethereum Monero also known as EXMR is the tokenized and improved version of the privacy coin Monero. EXMR has been built on the Ethereum metropolis network with zk SNARKs + sTARKs, 30-second transaction speed, and 15M total supply. In essence, Ethereum Monero is fast, secure and reliable. And it will play an integral role in our payment gateway.
Incorporated company’s country: United States
Token Utility/Function: EXMR’s payment gateway is world class and will compete with the best of the best such as Coinbase Commerce. This payment gateway will allow retailers worldwide to accept payments in Ethereum Monero, Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, and altcoins. There will be no fees for payments made in EXMR.