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KFC Canada Is Accepting Bitcoin for Fried Chicken

KFC Canada Is Accepting Bitcoin for Fried Chicken

Fried chicken chain KFC Canada is accepting bitcoin – for a limited time and for a cryptocurrency-themed bucket of chicken, that is.

The limited-time marketing move sees the Canada-based chain advertising “The Bitcoin Bucket” complete with a Facebook-based live-tracker of the standing price for the product, which works out to roughly 20 Canadian dollars depending on the exchange rate with bitcoin.

That said, you can’t exactly walk into a KFC location in Canada and pay with crypto at the cash register.

Instead, the company is accepting Bitcoin via BitPay as one of the options through an online check-out page. The Bitcoin Bucket will be delivered directly to the customer’s address (the product also carries a $5 fee), according to the check-out process on its website.

KFC Canada doesn’t seem to be holding back with the tongue-in-cheek presentation, particularly through its social channels.

Indeed, the company appears to be jumping on the publicity bandwagon surrounding cryptocurrencies. However, unlike some public-traded firms that have seen their stock prices soar after announcing some kind of tie-in with the tech, the move doesn’t seem to have had much of an effect on the price for Yum! Brands, KFC’s parent company.

In one post on Twitter, the rep commandeering the KFC Canada account suggested that the company may accept other cryptocurrencies as well.

Disclosure: CoinDesk is a subsidiary of Digital Currency Group, which has an ownership stake in BitPay.

Image Credit: Ratana21 /

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