
“They May Have Information We Don’t” – Are The Elite Preparing For A Cataclysmic Event? / Mac Slavo / July 20th, 2017

As the world appears to be getting closer to the brink of widespread economic collapse and war, it seems we may all have something even more serious to consider: cataclysmic events.

Based on a flurry of reports, we know the Yellowstone Super Caldera has been quite active in recent weeks, with many warning that a super volcanic eruption could happen at any moment, threatening to potentially kill millions. Such an event would not be unprecedented according to scientists who subscribe to the Toba catastrophe theory, we suggests that a similar eruption may have been responsible for a near Extinction Level Event (ELE)  75,000 years ago that bottle-necked the human population down to about 10,000 people worldwide.

As well, we now regularly see warnings from scientists about the possibility of ELE events like asteroid impacts and solar flares.



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