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The Planned Destruction Of America: “If They Can’t Collapse It Internally They’ll Attack The U.S. Externally” / Jeremiah Johnson / July 18th, 2017

From within and from without.  Before our very eyes, we are seeing actions taking place both within the U.S. domestically and outside of it.  The scripted plans were set into motion decades ago, and are seeing fruition now, with increases in activities leading toward the planned downfall of the U.S.  The architects follow a very “Orwellian” pattern: it isn’t important who takes the reins of power, if that power is used to promulgate the continually leftward-moving paradigm shift and the continuance of power.  These oligarchs are globalists who wish to remove the national boundaries except to use the governments in an administrative fashion to control the masses.

Sound radical?  It is, as in “Rules for Radicals,” by Saul Alinsky, in a concept known as “organizing the organized.”  In such a fashion, the oligarchy will control the population through the captains…the “duly-elected” commander of the ship of fools.  The apparatus of the military and police being already in place in the nation, then it is just a matter of appropriating that apparatus to use it as a control mechanism and enforce the totalitarianism.  It is not a new story.  So why is this era different?

Technology.  The technology to monitor hundreds of millions of human beings on CCTV (Closed-Circuit Television) cameras.  The technology to keep track of every person…every item purchased and the funds spent, as well as the balance in the bank account and the source of the income.

“What is your source of income, citizen?  Where is this money here coming from? Oh, you claimed not to be able to pay your traffic ticket, but we have you right here at 10 pm on camera withdrawing $20 from the ATM next to your house.”


The post The Planned Destruction Of America: “If They Can’t Collapse It Internally They’ll Attack The U.S. Externally” appeared first on Silver For The People.

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