
Knapp Bauer Perkins Snell 2010 – Building Community Capacity – timebank pdf

(tb-kc)Knapp Bauer Perkins Snell 2010 – Building Community Capacity – timebank pdf (tb-kc)

doc-tags: tb-kc, tb-document, tb-admin, tb-funding, tb-research, tb-neighborhood, tb-health, tb-labor, tb-monetary-reform, tb-pdf, tb-text, tb-biblio

Building Community Capacity: Making an Economic Case
Martin Knapp, Annette Bauer, Margaret Perkins and Tom Snell
PSSRU Discussion Paper 2772

Net economic benefits of voluntary organisations delivering community services, and the impact costs if such organisations ceased to provide those services.  The research covers 3 examples of ways including time banks in which community capacity can be built.

doc-title: Building community capacity: making an economic case
doc-type: pdf, text, biblio
doc-lang: english
doc-size: 12 pages

doc-author: Knapp, Bauer, Perkins, Snell
doc-year: 2010
doc-location: UK
doc-permission: public-domain
doc-contact: PSSRU(at)



file-checksum: md5 1fa9f9360fd76ca81138cc3fd1a5ddb7 122117 bytes
upload-filename: knapp-bauer-perkins-snell-2010-building-community-capacity.pdf

Timebank Knowledge Commons Library document info posted 2014 Dec 28 by Philippe Granger
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